(For the record, I sewed a quilted pillowcase that was originally supposed to be a skirt, but was far too ugly to be worn around the waste, and therefore was converted to a pillowcase. Because of my embarrassment toward the creation, it will not be posted here. I thought about giving it googly eyes, and making it into a Quilt Monster, but that would have been about as tacky as the skirt idea. Alas! A wasted 4+ hours on that blasted quilted pillowcase.)
The idea was that it was a giant cookie that said, "om nom nom." (Think Cookie Monster). I suppose we got that somewhat. And don't you worry, I was well aware of it's Cake Wrecky-ness. It was mostly for fun, anyway.

Now, I shall commence in presenting another food post. How 'bout some cake?
Rachel and I made a delicious chocolate cake. The cake itself had melted chocolate chips and coffee. It was filled with mocha frosting and topped with peanut butter frosting. It was tasty to the tongue, but was a sight to make the eyes sore.
An added bonus is when you turn it 180 degrees.
It becomes the Chinese cookie cake.
Also, when viewed from the side it reads "220 003 33." It's probably a secret code.
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