Tuesday, May 21, 2013

On the bus...

May 19, 2013

            We stopped in Pittsburgh for two hours and decided to explore a little.  It was a delightful stretch of the legs.  We walked down Penn Ave., and saw a bunch of cool stores: places I would love to visit on a weekday that they’re open.  Maybe someday I can bike around all of these beautiful cities and take in the sites.  Mmmm.  Delicious culture.
            We ate at a seafood place.  It wasn’t very impressive at all, but the atmosphere was fantastic, and I enjoyed the time passed there anyway.  I delight in a good city street with weather beaten signs and unknown people.  The amount of potential discovery is mouth watering.  Oh, I am ecstatic!
            Pittsburgh was a sufficient mini-adventure.  Tomorrow morning (a few hours away) I get to finally see the beautiful cities of Philadelphia and New York, granted, it will just be a glimpse.  But it’s fine.  I’ll be in Moscow soon.  A whole new world will open up, and I will jump in. 
            These are dreams coming true.  I could cry.
Pittsburgh, PA

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