Sunday, May 19, 2013

Off Adventuring...

Tomorrow marks the start of a new adventure!  I won't promise thorough nor frequent accounts on this blog, but there will be videos! (I'll post links later.)

Here's the general itinerary:

May 19: Join my friends on a bus in Columbus to NYC
May 20: Fly to Moscow, stay in dorms at Moscow State University
June 1-29: Train to St. Petersburg, stay in host homes and study at St. Petersburg University
July 1: Leave my group and fly to Kyiv, Ukraine.
July 2-17: Unplanned excursions throughout Ukraine. (Visiting of friends in Vinnitsa and Uzhgorod for sure.)
July 18: Return to my normal, casual, English-speaking lifestyle.

My fellow adventurers are Renée (Найда), Stephan (Степан), David, Shane,  Jess, and our BGSU Russian professor, Dr. Pogacar.

Good golly, I'm excited.

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