I try to define myself as a lover of people.
I'm always learning and constantly tested. I really despise some people. It's totally the Holy Spirit working through me if I am able to deal with stupid people. Thanks, God. You're awesome. Also, I'm a stupid people, too. God, thanks for working through other people so that I have friends and partners in this crazy love adventure called life. Love.
I'm learning this: if you want to be a good friend, don't say "I'll pray for you." Gosh darn it. Just pray for them right there. If you're too busy to pray for someone, then you just lied because you probably won't pray for them anyway, you prideful liar. (Judging you. Sorry. Here, let me be honest.) I suck at remembering to pray for people. If I say I'll pray for you, I won't because I'm a jerk and have a heart filled with pride and I like the idea of people thinking I'm pious by telling them that I'll pray because it makes me look good, but I don't have to act on it, because--really?--who's going to find out? So.
I'm going to start to just pray for people when they need it and when God tells me to.
Pride. GAH. I HATE IT. Pride tastes like shit, and it fills hearts, and it is so nasty. God, take away pride.
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