Sunday, January 27, 2013

I cried in church today.  There was communion and the dude reminded us that we shouldn't take communion if you have something wrong in your heart, like against God or your brother, you know what I'm saying?  Yeah.

I did.  I was bitter.  I was proud.  I was bitter toward the dear brother beside me, so I wrote a note.

"I have been proud and living in a spirit of bitterness towards you.  Will you forgive me?"


Also, fruits of the Spirit, man.  Is your life bearing that holy, righteous fruit?  Mine isn't.  My wrinkly fruits are gross and moldy: bitterness--pride.  The "I'm better than you" fruit.  Fruit is to be delicious.  That stuff is just nasty.

God, renew me!  Bring a change in my heart.  Help me live Your love.  Purify my heart.


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