Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dvadtsat Dva!

Twenty Two!

Today is my 22nd birthday!  Yay!

When I was younger I loved the number 22.  The number 2 is just so pretty, and having 2 twos right next to each other is superb.

I also thought that 22 year-olds were pretty adultish.

So, here's to a happy, jolly year of "adulthood."  I look forward to it joyously.

Also, this year, I just wanted to share how thankful I am that I got to spend it with my little sister.  I haven't in the past couple years, but we finally got to have our joint birthday celebration.

And let me tell ya, she was born two days before my 13th birthday after YEARS of praying for a little sister for my birthday.  Call it good luck or a blessing: she came home from the hospital on my birthday, and she's the best birthday present I ever received.


  1. aw :)
    being a little sister myself, I adore this. :)

  2. Sisters are the best, really. I am so glad you got to meet mine yesterday. And having her here with me these past couple days has been just wonderful.
